Sunday, June 25, 2006

Best day ever!

So I spent my afternoon with a bunch of lovely ladies from the Heart of Texas Spinners & Weavers Guild. I actually spun a little bit of absolute crap yarn, too! Yay me! It was fun, and I will admit to kicking myself at 3 a.m. that I didn't just go ahead and buy a spindle and some roving from BJ. The drafting part confuses me, but the part where I let the spin enter the fiber I drafted, oh, that is like MAGIC and I love it. Maybe I'll e-mail her... I don't know if I can wait till the next guild meeting.

Everyone there was so nice and welcoming. I never felt like an "outsider" at all. I really look forward to getting to know these ladies more. One of the gals, Joanne, brought a beeeeeeautiful lace stole that she had made out of a cashmere and silk blend. I must have some of that now. Damn her. LOL And one of the ladies, Katie, has little girls my kids' ages. I think her oldest is a tad bit older than the twins, but I bet they would have a blast playing together. Maybe even so much so that they would leave us alone and we could play with yarn.

So after a long afternoon of knitting, chatting, coffee drinking and Panera eating (and no kids!) I got home and found my latest Knitpicks order had come. Yippee. I ordered some Andean Silk for a felting project, this adorable baby hat for someone special. Shhh, it's a surprise. I guess I could have used plain wool, but I had unintentionally (grr) felted some of this Andean Silk before, and it came out so, so, so soft. Just perfect for a tiny baby head. And I might have slipped a little Shimmer into my shopping cart, in the color Grape Hyacinth. It's purple AND green! Eat that, Betty! *snicker* So pretty and soft. I can't wait to knit with it.

But that's not the good part. The good part is I got some of the new Knitpicks needles that everyone is all abuzz about. I must have got my order in early, because I hear they're back ordered about two weeks at this point. Nanny nanny boo boo! Impulse buying has its advantages.

So let me tell you about these needles. When you go and look at them on the Knitpicks site, you will say to yourself, "Oh, that's wonderful... oh, my they also... and they... they're the needles of my dreams!" And it's all true. Smooth joins, slicker than greased owl snot nickel plate, incredibly flexible cables and a point so sharp ... uh, a point so sharp that... um. Hmm. I got nothing. But they're sharp.

You really can't beat the price, either. $4.99. That is a steal for this kind of quality. I kind of wonder what Addi will do now. I mean, they kind of had the big market on the nickel plated needles (along with Inox), and now these just blow Addi Turbos (or Blunti Stumpos, as Grumperina calls them) away.

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Totally unfabulous

So DH waited until the absolute last minute to wake me up today. As he was about to walk out the door, I said, "HEY WAIT! Take some pictures of me with the shawl real quick." So he found the camera, found it needed new batteries, got that squared away, and as I was getting ready to spread my arms out for THE obligatory shawl pose (seen here, here and here) he snapped the picture. I said, "Well, wait! I want to spread it out so you can see it." He said okay. So I spread my arms and prepared for my glorious shawl (oh... right, my sister's shawl) to be captured in film, and I heard, "Oh, sorry, card's full." "I'll go dump it!" I said. But no, there was no time. So even though I wanted to show you fabulous pictures of my shawl, all I have are unfabulous pics with my hair all ratty from just getting out of bed.


I will have FABULOUS ones soon.

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